Bed Bug Bites? We Can Help!

Lawyer Recovers $18,500 For Clients Bit By Bed Bugs At A North Carolina Hotel

Bed bug attacks at hotels and apartment complexes are on the rise in North Carolina. Our attorneys recently resolved a case against a popular national inn/hotel chain for $18,500. Our clients, Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc (real names not provided) checked into a hotel for a short stay. Shortly after checking in, Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc observed bed bugs in their room. Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc captured one of the bed bugs and immediately took it to the front desk clerk. Thereafter, Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc checked out of the hotel. The very next day, Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc started noticed bite marks on their bodies. Within 48 hours of checking out of the hotel both of our clients sought medical treatment and were prescribed medications for their injuries. Ms. Ba received an estimated 20 bed bug bites and Ms. Mc had in excess of 25 bed bug bites from their stay at the hotel. Their combined medical expenses and property damage (for discarded items) was $843.

Two days after checking out of the hotel, Ms. Mc filed a complaint with the Burke County Department of Health. A few days later, the Burke County Department of Health inspected our clients’ room. Signs and remnants of a bed bug infestation were observed and present in their room.

Our clients were horrified and terrified by the experience they encounter on their vacation due to the bed bugs. Never before this incident had Ms. Ba nor Ms. Mc come in contact with bed bugs. They were constantly fearful that they may have brought the bugs back home with them. Within days after the initial attack, Ms. Ba contacted our office and retained one of our attorneys to assist her and Ms. Mc with their claims. Nine months after retaining our law firm we successfully reached a settlement with the hotel’s insurance carrier which fully compensated Ms. Ba and Ms. Mc for their injuries, medical expenses and related out of pocket expenses. The final settlement was $9,500 for Ms. Ba and $9,000 for Ms. Mc.

Call us today for a free Claim Strategy Session at 888-912-5897 if you or a loved one was attacked by bed bugs in North Carolina.