Bed Bug Bites? We Can Help!

Man Injured By Bed Bugs At A Utah Hotel Receives Settlement Of $13,500 After Hiring Experienced Bed Bug Lawyers

Bed bugs are an increasing problem in Utah and across the country. A big misnomer is that people often expect to find these insects in dirty locations, such as cheap motels or apartment rental buildings, but they exist in even the cleanest of hotels or nursing homes. The ability to quickly detect bed bugs at a property is one of the most effective ways to prevent an infestation and the possibility of injuries to innocent victims. When business owners do not implement and follow bed bug procedures guests suffer injuries in many different forms. Below is a summary of a claim we recently resolved on behalf of one of our clients.

Our client, Mr. C checked into and stayed one night at an Inn (which has hundreds of locations across the country and is a brand within the Wyndham Hotel Group) located in Wendover, Utah. Upon waking up in the morning, Mr. C noticed several bed bugs in his hotel room. Mr. C captured one of the bugs in a cup and immediately reported the incident to the front desk clerk. The room was inspected by the manager of the hotel who confirmed the existence of a bed bug infestation. Shortly thereafter, Mr. C checked out.

After Mr. C realized his hotel room was infested with bed bugs he did the right thing by immediately notifying hotel staff and checking out. If you realize or suspect your room is infested you should inform a hotel or motel staff member and either check out or request a new room.

On Mr. C’s drive home he started noticing several bites and welts developing on his body. The bites and welts became unbearably itchy. Due to his injuries, Mr. C had to stop at a local pharmacy for itch cream and Benadryl.

Not only can bed bug bites cause itching and extreme discomfort, they can also cause scarring if not properly treated. Individuals who are injured by bed bugs typically seek treatment with a primary care physician and then will follow up with a dermatologist.

Mr. C underwent medical treatment with a primary care physician for his injuries. After several months, Mr. C still had residual marks on his body at the location of the bites and welts which required Mr. C to follow up with a dermatologist. After two appointments, Mr. C was able to drastically reduce the appearance of his bites.

If you come into contact with bed bugs, contact one of our experienced bed bug attorneys for a free Claim Strategy Session.

Mr. C contacted our office for a free Claim Strategy Session. After entering into an attorney client relationship with our firm, our lawyers immediately began working on Mr. C’s file.

Within a few months a demand was prepared and sent to the hotel’s insurance company. Shortly thereafter, we were able to reach a favorable settlement on Mr. C’s behalf. Mr. C was grateful for the hard work and dedication our Bed Bug Lawyers spent working on his claim.

If you find yourself in a similar situation as Mr. C did, do not hesitate to contact our office for a free Claim Strategy Session and we will determine if we can also help you with a potential claim.

We stay up to date with on all of the lawsuits and court decisions around the country regarding bed bugs.