Atlantic City, New Jersey, Bed Bug Lawyer Settlement

Mr. J, our client, was a guest at a well-known hotel and casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. On or about January 19, 2015, at approximately 3:30 a.m., Mr. J woke up itching. After turning on the lights, he noticed numerous bites and welts on his body and observed bed bugs in his bed. Immediately, Mr. J reported his observations to the hotel and a security guard came to his room and inspected the room. The security guard observed the bed bugs in the room. Thereafter, Mr. J was moved to a new room. Mr. J slept for a couple of hours in the new room and then checked out.
The next day, Mr. J reported the incident to the New Jersey Code Enforcement. A few days later, a New Jersey Code Enforcement Inspector conducted an investigation at the hotel. The Inspector’s investigation revealed the room was treated for bed bugs by a pest control company a few days after Mr. J checked out. Furthermore, the Inspector’s report noted the service and inspection report from the exterminator was obtained. The exterminator’s report confirmed bed bug activity was present in the room and all areas of the room were treated.
Mr. J contacted one of our New Jersey Bed Bug Lawyers to inquire as to whether or not he could pursue a claim against the hotel and casino. One of our New Jersey Bed Bug Lawyers provided a free Claim Strategy Session and informed Mr. J we were interested in representing him. Shortly thereafter, Mr. J retained our law firm.
As soon as we were retained, we contacted the risk management department at the hotel and put them on notice of Mr. J’s claim. Since Mr. J only visited with a doctor once, we were able to present a demand package very quickly. Over a month period, our attorneys negotiated back and forth with the hotel’s risk management department until a confidential settlement was reached. The confidential settlement more than satisfied Mr. J for his injuries and loss.
Call one of our lawyers today if you, family member or friend was injured by bed bugs at a hotel in New Jersey. Our attorneys are standing by to provide you with a free Claim Strategy Session.