Bed Bug Bites? We Can Help!

What It Takes To Win A Bed Bug Injury Case

Bed bug injury cases are a type of personal injury case. As with other injury cases, to prevail, you must show that someone else’s negligence harmed you. That means providing sufficient proof of their negligence as well as the harm that resulted.

At BED BUG LAW, we know what it takes to win a bed bug injury case because we have won many of them. Our lawyers are skilled and knowledgeable in this niche area of personal injury law. Based in Florida, we handle cases across the country.

Take a look at some of our many outstanding results in bed bug injury cases.

Three Keys To Success In Bed Bug Cases

Here are three things that contribute to more favorable results:

  • Legal representation: Hiring a lawyer is critical to getting compensation. Without an attorney, you may not get very far (if anywhere), and you could miss important deadlines and procedural steps that could cost you your opportunity to pursue recovery. We provide contingency fee representation, so there is no financial risk in hiring us.
  • Leverage: Motivating the other party to settle requires a case-specific strategy. Companies such as hotels and vacation rentals may be concerned about their reputation, so they’d rather settle to avoid the negative publicity. Other parties may need the threat of a lawsuit to motivate settlement. Our attorneys are skilled at determining the right strategy for each situation. We know how to put the pressure on to help produce favorable settlements without going to court. That said, we are always prepared and capable of going to court if needed.
  • Documentation: Gathering all the necessary documentation is critical for proving your case. That includes exterminator bills, medical records and bills, photographic or video evidence, receipts for replaced property and relocation expenses, and any documentation showing you reported the problem to the landlord, property owner or other responsible parties. Our lawyers can review your case and determine which types of documentation you need.

Of course, every case is different. Our attorneys can let you know what additional factors will be important for success in your case.

Learn How We Can Help | Free Claim Strategy Session

To talk about your bed bug case with a member of our team, contact us online or call 888-912-5897.