Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn is one of the more common hotel changes our bed bug attorneys receive complaints about. Holiday Inn happens to be owned by Intercontinental Hotels Group which is one of the largest publicly traded hotel chains in the world. There are more than 2,000 Holiday Inn locations across the globe.
From our experience of handling numerous bed bug cases, we find Holiday Inn to be disorganized in their inspection protocols and training of staff on how to identify signs of a bed bug infestation and how to prevent the spread of bed bugs. We have found in some cases, certain Holiday Inn locations have inspection procedures in place for the house keeping department or other critical hotel staff, but fail to abide by them. Please keep in mind that each Holiday is different and just because one Holiday Inn has bed bugs it does not mean all of their hotels have bed bugs.
We have created a form whereby you can post reviews or comments about Holiday Inn and your experience with bed bugs at one of their properties. Our Bed Bug Lawyers respond to comments posted by our visitors. We welcome you to watch our video about bed bugs and Holiday Inn featuring attorney Grant Schwarz.
Our team of bed bug attorneys has been successful in recovering compensation for past clients for the following:
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Medical bills and expenses
- Property damage, such as discarded clothing, luggage or toiletries
- Lost wages
- Professional pest extermination services
- Reasonable out of pocket expenses associated with the bed bug infestation
- Reimbursement for hotel stay
Over the years, our attorneys have gained valuable experience in bringing claims and filing lawsuits against hotel chains across the country. We know exactly how Holiday Inn and its insurance carriers think and respond when it comes to bed bug claims. Whether you are considering pursuing a bed bug lawsuit, waiting for a decision from a hotel, or have been denied compensation, we are available to assist you with your bed bug claim against Holiday Inn anywhere in the country.