What Do I Do If My Hotel Room Has Bed Bugs?
We checked into a hotel in Houston, Texas. We believe the mattresses are infested with bed bugs. We have many bite marks all over our bodies. I removed the bedding from the mattresses and saw brownish spots on both mattresses, but no bugs. I don’t know what to do now. Please tell us what to do. Does the hotel owe us money? I can’t afford to sue.
Whether you are bitten by bed bugs in either Houston Texas or any other state, the following tips apply to any state. Our bed bug attorneys can help you in any state. First, start collecting evidence immediately. It is common upon first glance not to see the bed bugs. Search the room for bugs if you find any capture them and put them somewhere for safekeeping. Inspect underneath the mattress, on the box spring, in the crevices of the mattress, in and around the headboard, and along with the bed skirt. Additionally, the brown spots you mentioned are more likely than not fecal spots and bloodstains left behind by bed bugs in your room. Fecal spots are a strong indication that a piece of furniture or room for that matter is infested with bed bugs. Make sure to take many clear pictures of the mattress and other items in the room that have fecal spots on them.
Report Your Bed Bug Findings
The next step is to report the bed bug findings to any employee or manager at the hotel. It is very important a representative from the hotel create a report and provide you with a copy of the report. Then, demand a room change or a refund and relocate to another hotel. Before moving rooms or changing hotels have your clothing and belongings treated by a professional to prevent the spread of the infestation.
Pursue medical treatment for your bites and other injuries. Treatment can be received at an emergency room, walk-in clinic or with your primary care physician. It is essential you advise the treating doctor you have come in contact with bed bugs and list all of the symptoms you are suffering from.
Gather Evidence Of Your Hotel Room Having Bed Bugs
Photos are one of the most important components of properly documenting your injuries and loss. It is vital to your claim that you take many photos of your bites, discarded clothing and belongings, as well the room and bed bugs. If you have access to a smartphone or video camera documenting your injuries with a video recording device will strengthen your claim in addition to the photos.
You can contact the Texas Department of Health or Texas Department of Business and Professional Regulations and make a formal report. Let the department know everything you observed and how the hotel handled your complaints and the bed bug infestation.
Ultimately, if your hotel room has bed bugs and if you have been injured or suffered a financial loss due to bed bugs, you may be entitled to reimbursement for the following items:
- Medical bills and treatment
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Property damage, such as discarded clothing, suitcases or personal belongings
- Refund for hotel stay
- Extermination treatment to your residence or belongings
- Any out-of-pocket expenses reasonably associated with the bed bug infestation
Lastly, contact our Bed Bug Lawyers to discuss how we may be able to assist you. There are never any fees or costs in a bed bug case unless we win. Fill out our “Do I Have a Case?” form or call us at 888-912-5897 to speak to our bed bug injury attorney team. No fees at all unless we win!